With soaring costs, saving energy is more important than ever.
A partially blocked condenser increases energy usage by 23%, a 15% refrigerant shortage sees a 100% increase in energy and incorrect temperature setting a 6% energy increase on energy use.
Fortunately, Ultra have the solutions and technologies for getting the most out of your refrigeration equipment.
Our routine maintenance packages, from as little as £1.60 per day, pay dividends when it comes to helping keep energy costs low and avoiding costly breakdowns.

With energy prices set to increase further, refrigeration plant upgrades and replacements can now realise a better return on investment than ever, with paybacks in energy savings achieved in just over 1 year.
New equipment can not only save energy but offers increased reliability; and a new-look attracts new customers and increased sales.
It is also often possible to retrofit new technologies to older equipment such as EC fan motors, intelligent controls and automation, compressor variable speed drives and heat recovery – all of which can be combined to give real savings.
Contact us to see what we can do for you.