Heat - Let’s not lose it, let’s recover it and use it!
At Ultra we like to take a holistic view to help our clients stop wasting energy which is common place in traditional buildings and businesses. The world can no longer allow us to waste heat and energy. Being energy efficient is what we are all about! We love what we do in recycling heat.
With every refrigeration system comes “waste heat”. It is intrinsic in the process.
We have been designing and installing heat recovery systems for over a decade with measurable pay-back periods of under 2 years.
If you have a tangible use for this waste heat, we will find a way to capture it for re-use.
Examples of heat recovery…so far:
- Space heating in supermarkets from display refrigeration
- Hot water for wash down from refrigerated food manufacture
- Beer production hot water from beer fermentation
- Workshop heating from climate test chamber
- Shop space heating from commercial kitchen extraction
Our heat recovery proposals include a business case that outlines how much energy will be saved and how quickly your investment will pay for itself.
Please contact our sales and technical team to find out how we could help improve your business’s energy efficiency.