Our directors, Steve Shipp and Anthony Lomas, were recently representing Ultra at the Cold Chain ‘Live’ Conference. The event, held in the vibrant city of Liverpool, brought together a diverse group of professionals, ranging from manufacturers and suppliers to logistics experts and policymakers. It served as a platform for gaining valuable insights but also contributing expertise and experience to the discussions.
A clear message was heard from leaders across the industry with concerns over balancing the rising costs of energy whilst businesses strive to improve sustainability, reliability, quality and resilience yet still remaining viable and competitive.
Ultra understands these challenges and collaborates closely with clients to provide energy-efficient, reliable, and automated refrigeration and heat recovery systems aimed at reducing operational costs. We recognise that in these complex times of balancing capital expenses, system longevity, reliability, efficiency, and environmental impact, there is no one-fits-all solution. Many of the member companies within the Cold Chain Federation have found that partnering with Ultra is the key to maximising the return on their cooling equipment investments.