
Transforming Cold Storage with i-Air

In the fast-paced world of logistics, maintaining optimal storage conditions is critical. Ultra has risen to the challenge, leveraging innovative solutions to enhance the efficiency and reliability of large cold storage facilities for a major logistics company. The Challenge Logistics companies handle vast amounts of perishable goods, requiring precise temperature control to ensure product quality

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Ant goes shopping!

Ant Goes Shopping!

If, like Ant Lomas, you find supermarket trips chilly, you’re not alone. On a recent shopping trip, he noticed the cold air in the refrigerated aisles, leading him to question why the energy waste was so high. Despite shoppers shivering in the cold aisles, the supermarkets are often running refrigeration units at lower-than-necessary temperatures, contributing

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Keeping the Cold Chain Cold

Keeping the Cold Chain Cold

Our directors, Steve Shipp and Anthony Lomas, were recently representing Ultra at the Cold Chain ‘Live’ Conference. The event, held in the vibrant city of Liverpool, brought together a diverse group of professionals, ranging from manufacturers and suppliers to logistics experts and policymakers. It served as a platform for gaining valuable insights but also contributing

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Ways to save

Control is key. Reliable and powerful automations can helps to keep the running costs down, and innovative system designs eke out every penny spent on energy. A new installation with these features will save the most, however many of our innovations can be retrofitted to your existing plant. Get in touch to discuss your business

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Freezing the costs

Ultra have always been at the forefront of energy efficiency, and that couldn’t be more important in 2023. Our super efficient refrigeration equipment will save running costs when it comes to cooling but much more can be done when we take a holistic approach to energy. Monitoring where energy is being used is the first

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Ultra’s iAIR system

Ultra’s MD – Steve Shipp on site with the Cold Chain Federation Chief Executive – ‘Be Energy Smart at any Temperature’. “Hmmm… Why do we use the same methods to refrigerate warehouse chambers, cold rooms and retail display units in the winter as we do at the height of summer? In the UK generally speaking

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Budgens take control

Like all businesses, Fraser’s Budgens are looking to control energy spending and chose Ultra to help them cut the costs.

Following an on-site meeting with the client, Ultra identified a number of potential savings that could be made.  These included turning off non-essential chilled display cases when the store is closed, turning off hot counters when not in use, controlling the air-conditioning set points and optimising the refrigeration plant.

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